About me

 My name is Neeraj and I’m a boy living in a small village in Haryana. I did my school studies from SD Sr. Sec. school Panipat ( Haryana)  and I have done my engineering course at a government college in Haryana. Our college professors were very good, they gave us a basic knowledge of civil engineer and make us self-dependent.

We have done almost every single test that is best from civil engineering that’s also a reason my placement was done before the course was over. I joined the Sobha developer company.

My career details:-
 I consider myself very lucky to have a placement in Sobha developer company. There were so many things that we had never read in books. I used to look at Finishing Departments.

After Sobha developer, I joined cement company. There was my designation of Techno-Marketing on there. Working in the cement company made me feel weird because we did not read cement in the name of any brand inside our book. But the cement company is that some of my seniors were so good that they gave us a basic knowledge of cement test and about cement manufacturing process, how do I use it, what is its standard and what every company pursues to the IS standard. Because of family problems I had to leave this company.

I also joined the Indian Institute of Management and get training in Basic Civil Engineering. This time was a very strange time of my life because at this time I had no job. But before the end of my training, I got the construction chemical company.

I joined Ardex Endura Construction Chemical Company because I had a basic knowledge of the site that I had knowledge of the cement also, then I was thinking that if I do the job in  construction chemicals company So I can become a good engineer

Knowledge of the site teaches a man to walk and stand and Cement is the most important part of the site and if we also have knowledge of construction chemicals, then he works as a full-time man like you blazer

I’m still working for Construction Chemical Company and training in this company is very amazing……….

14 thoughts on “About me”

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