Important Terminology used from bottom to top of wall
Foundation bed :- Support or bear the superstructure load.
Spread footing :- The member of the structure used to support the column and wall.
Plinth :- The portion of the the building between G.L and Floor level is called plinth.
D.P.C :- Damp Proof Course
Floor level :- The uppermost surface of the floor
Window :- Provide passage of the light and air in the building
sunshade or chajja :- Deflecting sun light to reduce heat transmission
lintel :- A horizontal member of the structure used on the above the door and window to bear the wall load .
Parapet wall :- A low height wall provided at the edge of a roof terrace , balcony, or other structure.
Coping :- The cap provided on the top of masonry parapets used to prevent penetration of rainwater into the structure .