The durable part of the building is masonry wall. Masonry is a word which is made up of cement, sand and water with some admixture used to join block, brick, plaster and stone fixing etc.
Important Terminology used from bottom to top of wall
Foundation bed :- Support or bear the superstructure load.
Spread footing :- The member of the structure used to support the column and wall.
Plinth :- The portion of the the building between G.L and Floor level is called plinth.
D.P.C :- Damp Proof Course
Floor level :- The uppermost surface of the floor
Window :- Provide passage of the light and air in the building
sunshade or chajja :- Deflecting sun light to reduce heat transmission
lintel :- A horizontal member of the structure used on the above the door and window to bear the wall load .
Parapet wall :- A low height wall provided at the edge of a roof terrace , balcony, or other structure.
Coping :- The cap provided on the top of masonry parapets used to prevent penetration of rainwater into the structure .