Procedure for the tile and stone fixing :-
- Steel substrates must be sturdy, well-secured, and devoid of paint, primer, oil, and rust.
- Prepare steel surfaces by lightly sandblasting them.
- Then, using a residue-free solvent, wipe the surface clean.
- For installations, always use Type 5 or reaction resin-based glue.
- Always use 3 mm spacer joints between the tiles and the stone.
- Always pay attention to distribution and expansion joints, which should be filled with flexible sealants.
- It is preferable to have a 10 mm gap between the tile and stone joints for exterior area applications so that it can withstand movement induced by thermal expansions.
- Never use cement-based glue for tile and stone installations; instead, use a notch trowel to secure the tile and stone.

How to fix the Tiles and stone on metal surfaces
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