BS 1881-112 : Part 112: Methods of accelerated curing of test cubes


This Part of this British Standard describes the
methods of accelerated curing of concrete test cubes
at 35 °C, 55 °C, and 82 °C.
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
are listed on the inside back cover.

Cooling tank:-

A cooling tank is constructed from
any material which is of adequate strength and
corrosion resistant. The internal dimensions of the
tank shall be appropriate for the number and size of
cubes to be accommodated, shall permit adequate
circulation of water, and shall be such that the cubes
can be removed easily. 

The tank shall contain clean
water which shall be renewed at least once a month
and be controlled so that the temperature of the
water at any point in the tank shall be maintained
at 20 ± 5 °C during the period that cubes are being

Curing tank :- 

A curing tank constructed from
any material which is of adequate strength and
corrosion resistant, provided with a lid and
instruments for continuous recording of the water
temperature. The internal dimensions of the tank
shall be appropriate for the number and size of the
test specimens to be accommodated, shall permit
adequate circulation of the water and shall be such
that the specimens can be removed easily. 

In order
to provide adequate circulation of the water there
shall be at least 30 mm of water above, below and
around each specimen and in addition the
specimens shall be at least 30 mm above the heating

The curing tank shall be capable of holding
sufficient water and of being controlled so that the
temperature of the water at any point within the
tank is maintained at 35 ± 2 °C at all times.

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