This test method covers the measurement of the linear
shrinkage during setting and curing and the coefficient of
thermal expansion of chemical-resistant mortars, grouts, mono�lithic surfacings, and polymer concretes.
Linear shrinkage :- The material to be tested is placed
in the mold in a fluid or plastic state. The linear shrinkage measured is the
change in length that occurs after the material is rigid enough and strong enough
to move the studs.
Percent shrinkage :- ( L0 –L /L0 )
× 100
where: Lo = original length (length of standard bar),
L = Change in length after curing
Coefficient of thermal expansion :- The change in length
at a specific elevated temperature is measured and used to calculate the
coefficient of thermal expansion. The bars shall be (25 mm) square by (250 mm)
between studs when molded.
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